Jump Start 2021: Pilates w/ Paula
Start Working Towards Those New Year's Fitness Goals Early
Jump Start 2021: Pilates w/ Paula – Online Event
Date & Time
December 23, 2020, 10:00 am – 11:00 am
This year let's get a jump start on those fitness goals, why wait till January?
Starting on Monday, December 21st, everyday at 10am we will posting one of our most popular fitness classes from the previous semester, join us and let's accomplish some goals! Classes will be posted on our UMBCrecTV YouTube Channel as well as on our @umbcrec Instagram page via IGTV. Classes will run through Sunday, January 3rd.
Classes are fun to complete by yourself but we encourage your family and friends to join us too! If one class a day isn't enough be sure to check out our library of over 150 classes on our UMBCrecTV YouTube Channel.
The schedule will be posted on our website (Link Below).
For any questions or concerns please email Alea Burke, Assistant Director, Fitness & Wellness. We also strongly recommend you review our wellness resources and live streaming fitness courses disclaimer.