

UMBC Equestrian consists of a club and team. Our club hosts a variety of horse-related events like volunteer work, club bonding activities (game and movie nights), etc. No previous horse experience is required to join. Our team competes in IHSA against other colleges in Zone 4 Region 1 for hunter jumpers. All experience levels are welcomed and encouraged to join if you love animals, want to gain experience with horses, or want to learn more about the sport!


Facebook: UMBC Equestrian

Contact Equestrian Club: umbcequestrian@umbc.edu



UMBC Equestrian had 8 riders total competing at Regionals. Our two co-captains Stacey Wells placed 2nd over fences and 1st under saddle in the Novice division, qualifying for Zones in both categories, and Erica Haschert placed 6th in the Intermediate division under saddle. Freshman Mora Gold placed 5th in the Advanced division under saddle. Riders Miriam Newman-Marshall, Divya Singh, Tamar Kiewe, Lauren Pomroy, and Emily Peck rounded out the day with fantastic rides in their divisions.



Our Equestrian Team partnered with the Brain Injury Association of Maryland to help out with their 13th annual Scarecrow Classic. They helped out throughout the event by cheering on the participants in the 1-mile walk / 5K run and handing out the medals to participants.

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